How You Can Prevent Plumbing Problems in Three Ways
Whether you live in a small apartment or a sprawling mansion, you’re likely to experience a plumbing problem or two. The signs are usually expensive water bills, foul smell, and poor water pressure. Sometimes it can be fixed with some tools and elbow grease. But other times, you may need to contact a professional sewer line repair service.
To avoid any pesky plumbing problem, find out its five common causes:
Clogged Drains
Drains are easy to disregard, but when they’re ignored for too long, they can cause problems. Whether it’s in your bathroom or your kitchen, drains shouldn’t be ignored. Strands of hair, dirt, and other particles can build up in your house’s water system over time and lead to poor water pressure. It can also damage and cause pipes to burst. When it’s overlooked for too long, it can even cause flooding and sewage backup.
You can avoid clogged drains in several ways. One is to regularly clean them so there won’t be a chance for debris to pile up. Another way is to use a mesh strainer in your sink, shower, and bathtub to catch small particles. If you want to reduce the clogging after you shower, try brushing your hair before you wash up.
Incorrect Use of Garbage Disposals
Garbage disposals are designed to make people’s lives easier by catching and pulverizing small food waste so that it won’t clog the pipes. But their purpose is often misunderstood, so they’re misused and abused. You can avoid costly problems and replacements by using it the right way. You can start by properly filtering out your waste.
When piling dishes in the sink, throw large chicken bones and seafood shells in the trash. They won’t go through the garbage disposal and will end up blocking the pipes over time. A good rule to follow is not letting non-biodegradable waste through the disposal. Besides solid food, you should also avoid letting oil and grease through the sink drain. Cooking grease tends to harden and cause blockage and damage. Water and oil don’t mix so it won’t become a smooth mixture no matter how much water your pour down the drain.
Frozen Pipes
If you have exposed or outdoor pipes, they may freeze during the winter. This can disrupt your house’s water system and ruin your pipes for good. It can also cause around $5,000 in water damage.
Besides outdoor pipes, those that run through uninsulated areas are also at risk of freezing. You can prevent this by insulating your attic and basement. Don’t forget to seal any drafts or seals. You can also avoid costly problems by letting the water run through the pipes during winter. Another option is to use UL-listed heat cables which are designed to protect pipes during the cold weather.
Everyone has experienced their fair share of plumbing problems. The important thing is to learn from them so you can avoid pricey repairs and avoid issues during a bad time. Watch out for any warning signs and contact professionals when you sense an issue.